Saturday, September 29, 2007


Matt as only Matt can be...sitting in the middle of the street!!! You should have seen the people's faces! :) Beautiful English Sunset
For my fellow Pride and Prejudice lovers - a mini Pemberly

Us infront of The Crooked House
Don't bump your head now, Matt!

Talk about crooked little town. We traveled to Ipswitch to visit some friends. While there they took us to a little town called Lavenham. Its houses dated back to the 1200's. They are colorful and lean in everyway not buildingly possible. hehe

Monday, September 03, 2007


Because of a long weekend (bank holliday monday) we decided to go up to visit family in Arlesey. There is a church there with a grave that has quite an intriguing story to it. So a visit seemed sufficient.


Salome and Rinah standing on the ladder to meet us upon our return
from a rather frustrating 3/4 of an hour.

Lida, mom, and Elmien decided to spend 1/2 a day in Caterbury, that was to be the exciting event that day......... until we got back. Lida and Elmien went upstairs to their room in the loft, but when the door refused to open (stubborn headed from early days) they had to make a plan. Well, after taking off the handle and out the hindges and the door still refusing to open (swollen wood I guess) there remained only one way out - out the window and down the roof. That door has not been a personal friend since that day.

On the Dover Cliffs

Vif and Ina came to visit and for a day trip we went for a walk along the cliffs at Dover. It was a particularly clear day so France was visible (Calais).

Vif and Ina Mallan

Us four :)
Rescue practice on the cliffs. very exciting.
Matt and Elmien walking on the edge of the cliffs.