We traveled to Williamsburg, VA after leaving our family in NC. It was quite an experience. The British took over the city about noon and paraded their soldiers down the street. Next we went to Jamestown and took a tour of a replica of the old fort and some of the Indian villiages as they would have looked back then. We also pulled over to see the house Stonewall Jackson died in. Then on to Mount Vernon (Washington's home/mansion).
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How are you? I just got your letter in the mail :] And it made me smile.
"Ho me fas en sue me lacka"
Oh dearie! I think I butchered the spelling on that.
But all that to say, I really really really miss you. Its kindof of like, Ok Lida and averyone have been gone for five weeks, when are they coming back... but you aren't. So its weird. And sad. And my heart is sad. And I want to talk to you. or send you a letter but You don't have an address yet. But you see that little red house that you are standing in front of tin the top picture?? Well isn't that George Washington's house or something? Because I went there! Like five years ago. But still! We have been in the same place! YAY us!!!
Anyhooo... we learned about Roman Catholics in 18o on Wednesday. And we played these really fun games. But I was kind of mad because I got in trouble so it wasn't as fun. But yes. You should listen to the sermon.
So I was sitting in Church on Sunday, listening intently to Eric, when I glanced over at Michelle and I was like "we have the same pen!" So I kind of waved it at her, and then we both mouthed "L-I-D-A!" and pretended to start crying. But we weren't really. and then these ppl started watching us so we stopped. But yes, they were the pens you got us from Hawaii :] I really like it!
Ok this is really long.
P.S. I love you!
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